Friday, July 3, 2020


In order to interpret statistics objectively and draw conclusions that are not biased, an exhaustive analysis is required, which is not what I intend to carry out in this paper. It is true that, on the one hand, robberies in private homes seem to decrease, on the other hand, on the other hand, robberies with violence in homes, preferably isolated ones, increase significantly.
Robbing banks, robbing ATMs, jewelry stores, is embarrassing and technically complicated. Assaulting more or less protected solitary homes imposes some difficulties, due to the fact that their protection has been significantly increased by security systems with more or less protection capacity.
Consequently, the offender is more profitable to attack solitary houses, with the inhabitants inside, intimidation, aggression, the pressure generated allows unique possibilities to carry out crime.

There has been talk of intimidation by drug traffickers while they slept, now there is a lot of talk about burundanga, (Scopolamine). But the most striking thing is direct aggression, violent intimidation. In our country we are not used to this type of violent actions.
As occurs on many occasions, in the end it is civil society itself that manages to solve its problems, providing means, (See nightly rounds of surveillance between neighbors, somatén), actions and habit changes to minimize these circumstances that in one way or another are repeated over time.
In this sense, we are in a much more favorable situation than a few years ago. We have technological means that, properly applied, provide effective solutions to avoid or at least divert the criminal will towards other objectives. (This is what happened with the security of ATMs or gas stations).
Companies dedicated to security can play a significant role in this field. It would seem wrong to me that my reflection could be interpreted as a manifesto of business opportunity, despite the fact that the business flows from the opportune coincidence of the hand of whoever does it. But my reflection is directed to the opportunity to exercise our profession by providing solutions with creative, effective and value-adjusted applications to offer to those who may need them. I insist, with common sense, responsible work and creativity, above economic objectives subject to opportunism.
It is also worth remembering to those who may need it that the <reed boats> sink more easily than the wooden ones. Hard to four pesetas do not exist.
My represented AUX-VYD VSS, provides a unique peripheral security solution for this type of risk that solves an important part of the incident factors. Through the conjunction of different technologies, with their own intelligence, they allow them to effectively resolve situations that usually precede claims of this type. This creativity is worth appreciating, leaving behind mediocrities that apparently leave users alone but are indifferent to criminals, due to lack of rigor in the application and insufficient resistance to being violated.

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