Friday, October 30, 2020

Are we Digital Twinning yet?

What is a digital twin?

I don't know that the term "digital twin" does itself justice. It sounds a bit static. Adding an "ing" to words tends to evoke more of a forward motion. Maybe even adds a continuous connotation. We of course shouldn’t get hung of on precise wording, but at times it can be an important perspective for an important topic.

A “digital twin” is a representation of a physical asset or system in a digital form. A digital twin allows visual performance insights through continuous data inputs. If you didn’t already know, it is the current buzzword in the industry today. It has gained significant traction in construction due to a variety of reasons. Against an unfortunate backdrop of poor productivity and limited technological adoption, construction seems to be the focal point for disruption and change. For many years, organizations have had business models that offer razor-thin margins and high levels of risk associated with projects. It seems; however, the tide is turning. There are a variety of reasons as to why digital twins are in the spotlight, and this can depend on the context that’s applied to deliver better outcomes.

Digital twins are yet to fully deliver against their promise. This is by no means meant to be a negative statement. There’s understandable trepidation, with some unconvinced observers or practitioners believing it could just be merely an overlay of information. On the other hand, some organizations feel they have been doing “digital twins” for many years. This may lie in understanding what a digital twin is and what it can be. One thing we can be sure of, the industry has high expectations for digital twins because they promise augmentation of reality with performance benefits. Essentially – companies can make better-informed decisions to deliver better outcomes. This is particularly important for operations and maintenance as a method for repeatable and automated capabilities to deliver better outcomes. The Centre for Digital Built Britain has provided an in-depth report on the benefit of a national digital twin called Gemini Principles.

The dichotomy has arisen because of data alignment issues and closed workflows that have limited a fully functioning digital twin. I would argue that given the confusion, a digital twin is a context for delivering projects or being able to improve asset management. Digital twins, however, require an open information environment in order to align and access data more effectively acca qualified.

A Context for Project Delivery

Most projects today begin with some form of BIM model. Ideally, this BIM model will contain valuable asset information that if used correctly can be useful for a digital twin. One issue that does not aid the success of a digital twin is the often-obscure file formats that an engineer may use in early project phases. However, open source technology and rapid advancements in new technologies are significantly changing the landscape. For example, reality capture technology offers a quick and easy digital capture methodology with accurate and repeatable outcomes. The ease with which a site can be captured in digital format is being enabled by drones and laser scanning technology that delivers accurate, engineering-ready digital models that can add context to existing BIM models.

These models, however, require alignment in order to be universally useful. Alignment is needed in order to create a workflow to connect digital data, otherwise, we find data can easily become inaccessible and dark. Digital ways of working are being enabled by buildingSMART today. Open data standards provide a collaborative platform for exchanging and managing digital data – or digital workflows. IFC, for example, offers assurances to the client that digital data created during the design and construction phase can be used in-perpetuity – avoiding obscure data formats that expire or become inaccessible at a later date. An example of a context for project delivery can be found in the following two projects.

Aas-Jakobsen, with their winning 2018 buildingSMART Award for Design project titled, Team_T, Avinor Airport, cited the IFC mandate for BIM models as the reason for on-time delivery and under budget. Design teams had a large number of software applications, but rather than standardize on one file format, the client wanted to push an openBIM approach. This meant utilizing IFC as an exchange standard for all contractors allowing them to choose their preferred authoring applications. This bound the various project teams, contractors and software vendors, into delivering genuine interoperability. The open project environment also enabled BIM data to be accessed in a later phase.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Financial model: what it is and who needs it

I first came across financial models when, as part of an audit in 2006, I came across an impairment test in accordance with IAS 36 “Impairment of Assets”.

I remember that the compiler of this model, a very outstanding specialist, was extremely proud that we had to contact him many times for explanations: he managed to create such a complex structure, which, except for himself, no one can figure out from one approach. At that moment, I saw financial modeling, if not unattainable, then at least a very difficult to understand skill, which can only be mastered by combining deep fundamental knowledge of finance and technical skills in MS Excel.

Why do you need a financial model?

So what kind of beast is this - a financial model? Generally speaking, this is a calculating tool that converts various forecasts, scenarios, visions regarding business development into financial indicators for a different circle of users.

For example, financial models today are used in the following cases: aruba wireless certifications

Preparation of forecast reporting forms, analysis of forecast financial indicators, identification of future cash gaps;

Drawing up projected cash flows to attract bank financing;

Assessment of the financial attractiveness of the investment project: calculation of the net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR);

Assessment of business value by profitable method

Checking non-current assets for impairment in accordance with IAS 36 "Impairment of Assets";

Stress test illustrating the financial condition of a business under various scenarios, including macroeconomic ones;

Presentation of a startup company to a potential investor.

As you can see, there are many cases of using financial models. Only now, unfortunately, today none of the international qualifications in the field of finance teaches financial modeling. Most of the financial modeling tutorials, in my opinion, are more like learning individual financial functions of MS Excel, and for use in practice, such manuals lack integrity.

It is my deep conviction that you can master financial modeling skills only by hand, that is, you need to make a financial model from start to finish under the guidance of an experienced mentor. And even if at first it will be relatively simple, the main thing is to start. If you have basic MS Excel skills, plus you have a financial qualification (say, DipIFR) or are involved in budgeting, then you already have an admission ticket to the financial modeling club.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that MS Excel is, albeit the most popular, but only one of many tools for compiling financial models. Some large companies, including Russian ones, develop their own software for financial modeling. That is, the world of financial modeling is very diverse from a technological point of view.

The financial model is a conveyor that must work properly, packaging and transforming "raw materials", i.e. initial data, in the financial indicators needed by users. It is imperative that this conveyor be flexible (to allow readjustments), be able to handle various types of "raw materials" (from forecasts to actual indicators), and work on the principle of a modular constructor.

In general, the work of the financial model looks like this:

modeling courses in Excel

As you can see, the model converts the initial data (most often forecasts) into financial results. However, there is one problem with forecasts - they never come true. Yes Yes exactly! So why then a financial model is needed at all?

Despite the deliberately inaccurate forecasts, the financial model has its application. In today's rapidly changing world, it is not so much the forecasts themselves with their inevitable unrealizability that are important, but stress tests. Instead of answering the question "what will happen?", The modern financial model should answer the question "what will happen if ?" In other words, it is not so much the model results themselves that are important as the analysis of various scenarios and the sensitivity of the results to changes in the initial data.

In addition, without a financial model, no self-respecting investor will consider investing in a new project or, as they say now, a startup. The results of the financial model for startups (the so-called pre-money valuation and post-money valuation) are the starting point for complex negotiations on ownership interests between young business founders and potential investors.

International modeling standards

In the fat 2000s, few people thought about users of financial models. On the contrary, the trend was such that the creators of financial models tried to show in all their glory their importance, skill in handling MS Excel and exclusivity. That outstanding specialist from the beginning of my article was certainly not alone.

Therefore, it took an order of magnitude more time to test such a sophisticated model by all stakeholders than to develop it. This is not surprising, because there were many interested parties: from the managers of the company itself to external potential investors. In 2008, at one of the international trainings in Budapest, one of the British financial modeling gurus announced the statistics that struck me at that time: when creating each new model, only 15% of the time is spent on its direct compilation, but as much as 85% - on verification by all interested parties.

Then I realized not the most obvious thing: a complex model is not an asset of the company, but of the person who created it. If this developer leaves, write the new model again.

Of course, it was not only me who realized this. The situation when the company was so dependent on the "parent" of the model did not suit many people. And not so long ago, the first attempts to standardize the process of financial modeling began in the financial community. We can say that an attempt is now being made to develop a la "international standards" for financial modeling by analogy with international financial reporting standards.

A non-profit organization was created to promote FAST financial modeling standards. Among the founders of the organization are the world's largest consulting companies, banks, large industrial holdings, that is, those for whom financial modeling is at the epicenter of their work.

FAST standards (English - "fast") assume that the financial model should be:

F lexible (flexible),

A ppropriate (appropriate for the user),

S tructured (structured),

T ransparent (transparent).

The good news is that financial modeling experts have gone beyond inventing the acronym FAST, but have come up with clear, understandable, and consistent standards for financial modellers. Among about a hundred such standards, I would single out the following:

Clearly divide the sheets in the model into:

Raw data sheets

Calculation sheets

Results sheets

Format all sheets of the model in the same way, with columns in the same order.

Try to avoid linking to external files.

Make a diagram showing the structure and logic of the model.

Use different cell formats for data entry and calculations: for example, color all input data in blue, and leave all cells with formulas, which are the majority, as standard black.

Don't use "formula in formula". Better to make an extra auxiliary line.

Make the formula so that it takes no more than 24 seconds to explain it to a colleague.

Do not use the IF function more than once, or rather avoid it altogether. There are many understandable substitutes for this function.

Do not use the functions "NPV" (NPV), "IRR" (IRR), as they have better substitutes

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The ten challenges of cybersecurity in the next decade

Over the next decade, cybersecurity risks will become more difficult to assess and interpret due to the increasing complexity of the threat landscape, the adversary ecosystem and the expanding attack surface.

The European Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA), with the support of the European Commission, has just published its 8th annual report on the state of the cyber threat. Entitled ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 , it identifies and assesses the main cyberthreats for the period January 2019 to April 2020. The ETL 2020 report is comprehensive, partly strategic and partly technical, with relevant information for technical and non-technical readers. . It is divided into 22 sub-reports which deal with different aspects of the cyber year. 

Among the findings, ENISA confirms that the outbreak of the pandemic at the start of the year constitutes a new frontier between the old and the new in terms of cyber threats. “Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, we are entering the decade with a new normal and profound changes in the physical world and cyberspace. With distancing or confinement, the public will tend to use the virtual space to communicate, build relationships and socialize. This new standard will introduce new challenges throughout the digital value chain and, in particular, in the cybersecurity sector ”, summarizes the report.

New cyber risk governance strategies aruba accp

This new situation will only add to the difficulty of protecting oneself, believes the European cybersecurity agency. With increasingly sophisticated, targeted and stealthy cyberattacks, assessing risk becomes a challenge. Indeed, with the increasing diversity and complexity of technologies, there are too many variables to take into account to make cyber risk management effective. Another aggravating factor is the sophistication of the tools, tactics, techniques and procedures used by cybercriminals to carry out their attacks. Malicious actors adapt and adjust them to their victim's environment as needed and collaborate with each other to achieve their goals.

This results in increased difficulty in putting in place an effective cyber risk governance strategy. Thus, defining a defensive position, assessing risk, managing data, applying relevant measures now pose more questions than they answer. “New approaches will be needed over the next decade to move away from silo analysis and move closer to a typical matrix of interconnected factors, variables and conditions,” the report explains. This poses a significant challenge for many organizations attempting to protect their infrastructure, operations, and data from adversaries who are well-resourced and equipped and increasingly trained in cybersecurity guerrilla warfare.

The ten challenges of cybersecurity in the next decade

1.Address systemic and complex risks

Cyber ​​risk is characterized by the speed and extent of its spread as well as by the potential intent of the threat actors. The interconnection of different systems and networks allows attacks to spread quickly and widely, making risks more difficult to assess and mitigate.

2.Generalization of the detection of antagonistic AI

Detecting threats that leverage AI to launch an attack or avoid detection will be a major challenge for the future of cyber defense systems.

3.Reduction of unintentional errors

With the growing number of systems and devices connected to the network, unintentional errors continue to be one of the most exploited vulnerabilities in cybersecurity incidents. New solutions to reduce these errors will make a significant contribution to reducing the number of incidents.

4.Supply chain and third-party threats

The diverse supply chain that characterizes the tech industry today offers new opportunities for threat actors to take advantage of these complex systems and exploit the multiple vulnerabilities introduced by a heterogeneous ecosystem of third-party vendors.

5.Security orchestration and automation

Cyber ​​threat intelligence and behavioral analysis will become increasingly important with the automation of processes and analysis. Investing in automation and orchestration will enable cybersecurity professionals to invest in the design of strong cybersecurity strategies.

6.Reduction of false positives

This long-awaited promise is essential for the future of the cybersecurity industry and for combating the boredom of rising false alarms.

7.Zero-trust security strategies

Faced with increasing pressure on IT systems by new business requirements, such as remote working, the digitalization of the business model and the spread of data, the zero-trust strategy is seen by many decision-makers as the solution. de facto to secure corporate assets.

8.Enterprise cloud configuration errors

As many companies migrate their data to cloud-based solutions, the number of configuration errors will increase, exposing the data to a potential breach. Cloud service providers will tackle the problem by setting up systems that automatically identify these types of errors.

9.Hybrid threats

Cybercriminals are adopting new modus operandi increasing threats in the virtual and physical world. The spread of disinformation or fake news, for example, are key parts of the hybrid threat landscape. EUvsDisinfo is a flagship project of the European External Action Service's Task Force East StratCom, created to address the threat of disinformation.

10.The appeal of the cloud

infrastructure as a target will increase the threat. The growing dependence on public cloud infrastructure will increase the risk of outages. Misconfiguration of cloud resources remains the root cause of attacks in the cloud, but attacks directly targeting cloud service providers are increasingly popular among hackers.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

linux framework administrator everyday exercises

 Linux Admin Daily Activity or Daily Tasks or Interview Preparation 

This may help you when going to meet, 

linux system admin day to day activities

 Framework Admin to arrangement new climate . Activity group to oversee Existing Service so significant things here Operation Task. 

Framework Admin 

1 )Based on Project Requirement , We Build workers (VM Creation or Physical Server) and Install OS on workers . it is smarter to clarify which apparatus we use to make Kickstart 

2) Most of the Enterprise they use LDAP/NIS for the unified verification so you can say Managing User Accounts in LDAP . Overseeing workers to include into LDAP/NIS Domain 

3) Additional Disk Addition and Disk Extension - (when the application use fills in FS application group will request to expand the plate space) 

4) Installing Monitoring Agent and Backup Application 

For Monitoring 

Nagios/Opmanager/BMC instruments/IBM ...and so on 

For Backup, 

Netbackup/Networker/BackupExec ...and so forth 

5) Setting up the worker for Application Team. 

A large portion of the System administrator task just to arrangement worker climate prepared . when done application group either DBA or Web Admin will take care their arrangement 

6) If there is high accessibility required then we arrange VCS/Linux for High Availability. 

7) Working on Tickets - 

Model Tickets , 

Worker Load Average is high 

Memory Usage is High 

Unfit to Login to Server 

Plate Space Full 

Organization is dropped 

8) OS Patching - All OS sellers discharge patches to improve their item so it encouraged to fix all Servers. 

For OS fixing , we can utilize numerous apparatuses , in the event that we include hardly any devices into our resume it included favorable position 

Spacewalk , Bladelogic , Tivoli Provision Manager ,

Monday, October 26, 2020

Testimonial: the role of Systems and Network Administrator

Can you present, as well as your professional background?

My name is Florian, I am 23 years old and I have been working at Aviti since June 2015. Since my childhood, I have been passionate about the IT world. I was already dismantling my first computers at the age of 7 or 8! Subsequently, I therefore naturally oriented during my studies towards a STI2D Bac (Science & Technology of Industry and Sustainable Development option SIN - Information and digital system) followed by a first year of BTS SIO (Solutions IT to Organizations). However, the technical aspect was not pushed enough for my taste, so I preferred to reorient myself and integrate the IMIE school in order to obtain a Bac + 2 TSSI (Higher IT support technician).

I did this work-study program, an important parameter for me who wanted to quickly discover the business world and use my theoretical knowledge in a practical way. After two years of discovering the business world at DSMI (which has since changed its name to become Aviti), my internship manager offered me a position as Systems and Networks Administrator. This is how I integrated active life, at only 20 years old.

What are your missions and your role in the company?

The missions of a Systems and Network Administrator are very varied, which is what I particularly appreciate in this position. Today, I am called upon to intervene at many levels for Aviti customers for whom I am on assignment. This can also concern complete infrastructure migrations (replacement of equipment, renewal of servers, storage and equipment, migration of roles, services or data, etc.) as well as the deployment of backup, merger or separation solutions. (spin-off) of directories.

More generally, my role is to continue the work initiated by the sales representative and by my pre-sales colleagues by deploying solutions adapted to customer needs, under the keen and professional eye of the project managers linux admin tasks.

What are the challenges of your position?

A major challenge is to adapt to the constraints of the client, because I am above all at his service. You absolutely have to keep to the deadlines, but also take into account its specificities. For example, if he has a production plant, it is necessary to respect the rates so as not to affect his productivity. My goal is to always guarantee a quality service in order to satisfy the customer. It is also necessary to ensure the training of its teams in the new tools put in place.

These different missions require qualities that are essential to their successful completion. To begin with, you have to know how to demonstrate autonomy. Then, I am regularly asked to adapt, whether it is to the client, to the mission or to the work environment. Finally, it is important to have a team spirit to integrate projects.

What issues are you facing? What methods do you work with?

Regarding the issues, I travel throughout France. It is therefore necessary to have a strong geographical mobility. It is also essential to have strong technical expertise. This requires continuous technological monitoring. The typology of our clients and the training budgets allocated by Aviti make my life easier in this area. This makes it easier for me to meet technical requirements, but also to have strong career progression.

As for the methods, we follow the guidelines provided during the kick-off meetings between the client and the project manager. These are generally based on best practices recommended by manufacturers and publishers. On larger-scale missions, we rely on the recommendations of ANSSI ( National Information Systems Security Agency).

How do you see your position evolving in the coming years?

The role of Systems and Network Administrator allows several possible evolutions. You can, according to your desires and skills, move towards the pre-sales phase or become an engineer, consultant or project manager. Personally, I want to develop in a pre-sales position because it corresponds to several facets of my personality such as listening, communication, thoroughness, technical expertise. This position requires intervening upstream on projects that the integration teams then deploy in the field. You need to have solid technical support for sales teams, especially when responding to calls for tenders or customer requests, when writing technical briefs as well as during their defense. Finally, one of the advantages of this position is to be regularly trained and certified on the new technologies of our partners, but also to be present at dedicated events. Two elements that particularly attract me.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Responsibilities, tasks, skills of the system administrator

Description and functions of the position of a junior linux system administrator

The “System Administrator” profession is the position of an IT specialist , whose duties include ensuring the smooth operation of computer equipment, local network and software (repair, regularly updating, setting up, etc.). And the demand for this specialty is constantly stable because no sphere of human activity can do without the use of computers. 

Below, we present to you a list of responsibilities, skills and knowledge that are important to have in order to become a system administrator.

Is it easy to master the profession?

The profession of a system administrator is not easy to master. mandatory requirements for a sysadmin are most often in-depth knowledge of the Windows family (for example, often offices use Active Directory to control the domain), free orientation in hardware settings (wi-fi access points, routers, printers, etc.), the ability to organize / configure a computer local network (both physical and virtual) and so on. 

Sometimes companies hire young assistants for sysadmins (they are also called enikeys or specialists in everything), who are engaged in small tasks that often require not deep technical knowledge, but patience and free time (for example, installing a program for accounting or reinstalling Windows). In order to become an assistant to the system administrator, deep knowledge is not required (often people with burning eyes and a desire to learn and minimal technical skills are hired for it). With the proper approach, Enikeys gradually acquire experience and in a year or two can become full-fledged administrators. 

Salary level

The salary level depends on the specialization (specializations can be, for example, a pure Windows admin, a Window / Linux admin, an admin for servicing virtualization systems such as VMware, universal specialists in all intra-office tasks), the depth of knowledge within the specialization, the size of the company and much more. Typically, the salary for a system administrator is higher than that of a technical support engineer or QA engineer (manual), but lower than that of DevOps or Developers.

Pros and cons of being a system administrator


good salary

a deep level of understanding of how modern IT works (because things that system administrators work with - from hardware to virtualization systems)


multitasking (many small things from a large number of employees)

often routine tasks (for example, reinstalling the system)

Responsibilities of the system administrator

The responsibilities of system administrators are very broad and varied. These include:

Maintenance of computer, office and office equipment:

Repair of used equipment

Keeping all PCs running smoothly and troubleshooting

Assistance to staff members working with PCs and office equipment, e-mail, etc. in case of difficulties

Updating and purchasing the necessary equipment and their components

Ensuring the normal operation of the operating systems used and a set of working programs (Windows OS, MS Office, etc.):

Installing and configuring software for correct operation

Timely update of the required software

Ensuring information security and protection against hacker attacks and spam

Create backup copies of data, delete and restore them if necessary

Organization of a computer network

Network setting 

Setting up network equipment

Ensuring operability 

Securing your network

Network expansion

Working with user accounts

Creating and deleting accounts

Formatting / editing accounts

System administrator skills, knowledge and tasks 

Knowledge of TCP / IP

Ability to work with web servers (Apache, Ngninx, IIS)

Understanding the OSI Model

Knowledge of operating systems Unix / Linux, Windows

Skill and experience of management, administration of MySQL and MySql Workbench, Oracle databases and knowledge of their syntax

Knowledge of frontend and backend architecture

Knowledge of control and tracking systems: Cacti, Munin, Nagios, Zabbix

Skill to diagnose and analyze problem areas

Ability to recognize the consequence / reasons for incorrect operation of software or technology.

Network traffic analysis

Network infrastructure security analysis

Knowledge of tools for network security testing Burp Suite, Metasploit, Nmap, etc.

Knowledge of the mail and file services of the main OS

Work with local documentation and progress reports

Types of system administrators

System administrators can have a narrow focus and general (so-called generalists). System administrators with a general specialization are versed in various issues related to PC maintenance, and such specialists are most in demand in non-IT companies. It is more difficult for sysadmins with a narrow specialization to find a job, however, such specialists can solve the most complex problems and may be in demand in IT companies.

Types and types of system administrators:

Web server administrator (in fact, this is the minimum knowledge of how to configure Apach, Nginx or IIS) 

Network administrator (more biased in networking - working with routers, VPN settings, etc.)

Network Security Administrator (anti-intrusion bias, running scanners to detect vulnerabilities, installing updates, etc.)

Administrator of mail servers (specializes in maintaining the health of mail servers, protecting users from unwanted messages, backing up, working with quotas, etc.)

Thursday, October 22, 2020

linux framework executive

 What is Linux System Administration? 

Linux is a working framework or a portion made by Linus Torvalds with different benefactors. It was first delivered on September 17, 1991. The primary favorable position of Linux is that it is appropriated under an open-source permit implies developers can utilize the Linux Kernel to plan their own custom working frameworks. The greater part of Linux code is written in C Programming Language. 

Probably the most famous working linux system administrator frameworks that utilization Linux as portion are Debian, Knoppix, Ubuntu, and Fedora. By and by, the rundown doesn't end here as there are a great many working frameworks dependent on Linux which offer an assortment of capacities to the clients. 

Prologue to Linux System Administration: Linux is a significant quality in processing innovation. The vast majority of the webserver, cell phones, PCs, supercomputers, and cloud-workers are fueled by Linux. The occupation of a Linux frameworks head is to deal with the activities of a PC framework like look after, improve, make client account/report, taking reinforcements utilizing Linux instruments and order line interface apparatuses. Most processing gadgets are fueled by Linux in view of its high strength, high security, and open-source climate. 

There are a portion of the things that a Linux framework manager should know and comprehend: 

Linux File Systems 

Record System Hierarchy 

Overseeing Root/super User 

Fundamental Bash Command 

Dealing with File, Directories and Users 

Obligations of a Linux Administrator: System Administration has become a strong rule for an association and organization that requires a strong IT establishment. Thus, the requirement for proficient Linux heads is the prerequisite of the time. The occupation profile may transform from every association as there might be added obligations and obligations to the job. The following are a few obligations of a Linux Administrator: 

Keep up all web demands comprehensive to DNS, RADIUS, Apache, MySQL, PHP. 

Taking ordinary back up of information, make new put away techniques and posting back-up is one of the obligations. 

Dissecting all blunder logs and fixing alongside giving astounding client assistance to Webhosting, ISP and LAN Customers on investigating expanded help inconveniences. 

Speaking with the staff, sellers, and clients in a developed, proficient way consistently must be one of his attributes. 

Improve, keep up and establishing the apparatuses for the Linux climate and its clients. 

Distinguishing and taking care of the administration issues going from fiasco recuperation to login issues. 

Introducing the fundamental frameworks and security apparatuses. Working with the Data Network Engineer and other faculty/divisions to investigate equipment necessities and makes gaining proposals. 

Investigate, when the issue happens in the worker.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


The computer has become so firmly established in our life that we can no longer imagine existence without this device. Moreover, to some extent we all depend on him. Judge for yourself, we are looking for the necessary information on the net, we read books there, we communicate with each other on Skype, we talk about ourselves on social networks. Even in companies, a computer is a means of communication between employees, and it also controls the entire technological process in a serious production. So are the gloomy predictions of futurologists and authors of films and books, who predicted in the last century that the world will be ruled by a computer, come true?

Of course not! After all, a computer, although it is smart, is still a machine, meaningless hardware that can only work under human control. Therefore, in almost every company, large or small, there is a person - a system administrator - who monitors the operation of computers and fixes system problems. Who is he, the ruler of "smart iron" and the tamer of "servers"? You will learn this from our article, in which we will try to tell as much as possible about the features of this profession.


System administrator (sysadmin, admin) is an employee of the company associated with IT technologies, responsible for the smooth operation of the regular fleet of computer equipment, software and networks. Quite often, the system administrator is also responsible for ensuring information security in the organization.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin systema (whole, consisting of several parts) and administrator (manager, manager). In this case, "whole" means a computer, consisting of a huge number of components: from "hardware" to software. The profession of a system administrator emerged quite recently, only some 20-30 years, when computers appeared in production and offices.

The professional duties of a system administrator include: systems administrator requirements

setting up and testing new computer equipment;

installation of software and anti-virus protection;

tracking the smooth operation of a computer network;

elimination of failures and debugging of the computer after them;

installation and establishment of local networks, monitoring their work;

company server maintenance;

tracking the status of computers (as well as faxes, printers, scanners, etc.), identifying outdated equipment and drawing up applications for the purchase of new ones.

Often, the job responsibilities of system administrators include other requirements dictated by the characteristics of the enterprise and production needs. At the same time, the schedule and work plan of the system administrator also depends on the specifics of the enterprise. What is meant?

In large companies, of course, there are whole departments involved in system administration, since the number of computers and the size of local networks is enormous. Therefore, each system administrator has his own scope of work, for which he is responsible.

Small offices, companies, firms, schools, or hospitals usually have one or two system administrators. These are specialists of a wider profile, and their responsibilities, accordingly, are much greater.

Also, a sysadmin can be an employee of a specialized company that maintains computers in other institutions. It employs specialists who have a narrow range of responsibilities (for example, administrators of 1C programs, administrators of local networks, webmasters, etc.).


Since the main working tool of any system administrator is the eyes and hands (and the brain, of course), representatives of this profession must have good eyesight, developed hand motor skills and the absence of diseases of the central nervous system. In addition, it is impossible to imagine a sysadmin who would not have:










stress resistance;

logical thinking;

ability to identify cause and effect relationships

good memory.

It should also be noted that a person who wants to become a system administrator must have a technical education, preferably related to IT technologies. Why is it desirable? Because there are many cases when self-taught people became system administrators. But it must be admitted that the level of progress in this area is such that the higher the level of the company, the more serious the requirements for the knowledge of professionals, and you cannot do without education. Moreover, you need to quickly navigate the latest advances in science and technology and software innovations, and therefore there is nothing to do in this profession without the ability to educate yourself.

Monday, October 19, 2020

The missions of a Linux system administrator

Your main mission (in collaboration with the other members of the team) is to administer, deploy and maintain our Linux server infrastructures in operational condition. As such, you will: linux system admin

Participate in the administration of LWS infrastructures and / or services

Administer monitoring tools (Integration, writing probes, maintenance, etc.)

Automate actions

Integrate new technological advances into the information system to optimize its performance and ensure its maintenance

Ensure constant technological watch

Perform R & D to deploy innovative services

Profile sought for the job of Linux System Administrator

You must master:

The Linux environment (Debian and Centos)

Programming, scripting and automation (perl, php, bash)

The Web environment (Nginx, Apache ...)

Database servers (MySQL & PgSQL)

Postfix, Dovcot, Spamassassin, Bind, pureftpd.

The virtualization environment (OpenVz, Lxc, KVM)

Administration of secure systems

As well as server and raid type equipment

Some information about LWS:

LWS is one of the leaders in web hosting and domain name registrar in FRANCE. Over 180,000 hosted websites and customers in over 150 countries who trust us. You will evolve within a company with human and moral values ​​and professional ethics. Assets :

Dynamic team

Modern and bright offices

Competitive remuneration according to experience and qualifications

Friday, October 16, 2020

Server down: causes and possible damages for a company

Just a few decades ago, no company had servers. They did not even use those of third parties. In fact, in the business world, the functions of servers were hardly known, nor was it conceived what they could bring to a business. So no one was worried about the down servers system administrator requirements.

However, with the popularization of networks and the Internet, things have changed. Servers are now a part of the life of many businesses, taking over some key tasks in order to be able to function on a daily basis.

Now, as you can imagine, in this world we live in, we are always exposed to the unexpected. Nothing is immune from potential failure or loss of performance, and that includes servers as well. For some businesses, a down server can be a minor or even major disaster.

But what can be the reasons why this happens? What can affect a company's servers in this way? And once that happens, what can be the consequences? Let's try to answer these questions.

Server down: some causes may arise

The reasons why a server can see its performance affected or stop functioning are so varied that it would be almost impossible to put them together in a single article, so we will refer to some of the more common ones.

-Physical causes: Accidents such as falling from a rack or accidents such as fire or flooding can cause serious problems for servers.

-Power outages: Of course, servers need power to keep running, so its lack will cause them to shut down.

-Hardware issues: Failures caused by various factors, such as overheating, can cause a server to crash.

-Software problems: They can also be of different kinds. For example, they can be due to database issues.

-External actions: The presence of malware or external attacks can also cause a server failure.

How can a server failure hurt a business?

When we talk about problems in the business world, the first thing we usually ask ourselves is what the economic impact of an event will be. Although it is difficult to establish concrete figures - since the calculations depend on multiple factors, such as the activity of the company or the number of departments that are affected by the decline - one can see, as a example, some of the aspects where a down server can harm your business.

Lost sales

Imagine that the server that supports the web page through which your business makes a good portion of its sales (maybe all!) Goes down.

Loss of service, even for a few hours, can do a lot of financial damage. Anyone who tries to make a purchase during this time and cannot do so will likely choose to use (the competition's) pages that work. And not only that. Some of these people, disappointed that they can't use your page, may not do it again in the future.

Loss of productivity

Now imagine that the downed server took over some important services in your business, such as some programs that your staff are working with. A down server will prevent your employees from using them for a period of time, possibly hampering their work, affecting their productivity.

Additionally, these types of issues, returning to the previous point, can also affect your customers. Suppose the downed server takes care of the software that supports billing. It stops working, and as a result, for a long time your customers are also affected while shopping. It hurts.

Image issues

The above is an example which, in turn, also helps us to introduce other types of problems, such as those derived from the bad image that can be conveyed to customers. In fact, a webpage or billing system that goes down will not only affect the exact moment they occur, but will also convey a negative image of the business, with all the negative consequences that can bring.

Server monitoring

As we have seen, the causes for which one can find a down server are varied and the problems that failures can cause to a business are not negligible. And now you are wondering, what can I do to avoid them?

Well, the answer to this question would be enough to write another article (or several books!), But one of the things that can help is to have good monitoring software And, since you are on the Pandora blog FMS, it's normal that we give a reference to our beloved software, don't you think?

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Linux Systems Administrator

The Linux administrator is a technical professional specializing in the maintenance and development of Linux infrastructure technology. He is the link in the company, between the CIO, the network administrator, the database administrator and the developers.

Responsible for the proper functioning of a company's infrastructures, he is in charge of installing, configuring, updating, and backing up the server in an organization.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the daily activities of a Linux system administrator: How to become linux administrator

Maintain and develop all Linux infrastructure technologies

Identify and resolve system problems

Maintain and monitor system performance

Design and develop monitoring and reporting tools

Manage, coordinate and implement upgrades

Develop automated tests in collaboration with the team

Attend team meetings

Write documentation


The system administrator is not a developer. However, he works in production-oriented environments and must know how to use the following technologies:

Configuration management tools (Ansible, Puppet)

Network tools (tcpdump, iptables, HAP, Linux IPVS)

Linux scripting languages ​​(Shell, Perl, Python)

In addition to being endowed with so-called technical skills, he must also be knowledgeable in computer security. He also has good knowledge in development, database, storage, cabling, etc.

Responsive and multitasking, the Linux system administrator must know how to solve problems as quickly as possible and be able to juggle multiple priorities efficiently. The Linux systems administrator is able to work in a team and interact with project stakeholders in a professional and positive manner.


Bac +2 (BTS computer science, BTS digital systems option computer science and networks, DUT Networks and telecommunications)

Bac + 5 (University, engineering or IT school)

A bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field is a minimum requirement for working as a Linux systems administrator. The best candidates for this position have a minimum of a four-year degree in computer science. Recruiters also prefer candidates who have at least two to five years of experience in scripting languages ​​and supporting Linux servers.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

PC designing versus programming designing

 Picking precisely the correct program for yourself is difficult work, we've all been there. Now and again this may even be a touch of overpowering because of the apparent multitude of various decisions. In addition to the fact that you have to pick a workforce, however you need to criticize precisely which program you figure you will appreciate the most out of a couple fundamentally the same as looking ones. I have experienced this too when I was picking my program since PC designing, programming designing, and software engineering all looked like incredible alternatives for me. Be that as it may, which one was I expected to pick? What was I expected to base it off of? The best interesting point while picking between programs is the courses that you will be taking in the program. 

You will see that each program offers an alternate arrangement of courses that are essentials and furthermore courses that you can take to spend significant time in a specific territory. You will see the primary contrasts between these three projects in the courses that you can take. Consider additionally which courses you have delighted in secondary school. Did you like math? Software engineering? Mechanical technology? Material science? These? None of these? Ask yourself which one was your most and least top pick, and why. 

Look at the courses in the later years also to computer engineering vs software engineering improve comprehension of what anticipates you, in light of the fact that the primary year just gives a decent premise to your later years, and afterward moves into more particular courses. 

PC Engineering 

PC Engineering shows you both the equipment and programming parts of PCs, as is a decent program to take on the off chance that you might want a more broad comprehension of PCs. Rather than the other two projects, Computer Engineering is centered more around the planning and creating of PC frameworks and how the product associates with the equipment. So you will find out about circuits, rationale entryways, material science, yet in addition programming and Computer Engineering is significantly more hands on as well. In the event that you need to find out about how PCs function and furthermore find out about programming, at that point take Computer Engineering. Snap here for more data on PC designing. 

1A:CHE 102 – Chemistry 

ECE 100A – Electrical and Computer Eng Practice 

ECE 105 – Physics ECE 140 – Linear Circuits 

ECE 150 – Fundamentals of Programming 

MATH 117 – Calculus 1B: ECE 100B – Electrical and Computer Eng Practice 

ECE 103 – Discrete Mathematics 

ECE 106 – Physics 

ECE 124 – Digital Circuits and Systems 

ECE 155 – Engineering Design with Embedded Systems 

MATH 119 – Calculus 

Programming Engineering 

Programming Engineering essentially takes Computer Science and consolidates it with Engineering. It zeros in more on the application than hypothesis in correlation with Computer Science, however it actually contains science courses due to being offered by the Engineering office. The principle concentrate however is programming improvement and fabricating and keeping up programming frameworks. Programming Engineering is significantly less centered around the equipment than Computer Engineering, however in contrast with Computer Science it is more applied and gives a more prominent accentuation on the formative cycle to guarantee that projects function as they ought to and are sheltered. On the off chance that you like programming and might want to take to a greater degree a hands on way to deal with it, take Software Engineering. Snap here for more data on programming designing. 

1A:CS 137 – Programming Principles 

ECE 105 – Physics 

ECE 140 – Linear Circuits 

MATH 115 – Linear Algebra 

MATH 117 – Calculus 

SE 101 – Introduction to Methods 1B: SE 102 – Seminar 

CS 138 – Intro to Data Abstraction and Implementation 

ECE 106 – Physics 

ECE 124 – Digital Circuits and Systems 

MATH 119 – Calculus 

MATH 135 – Algebra for Honors Mathematics

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

contrast between programming designing and PC planning

An inquiry I have gotten a ton recently has to do with the distinctions and likenesses between Computer Science and Computer Engineering. At the danger of distorting the distinctions, I have composed this manual for clarify how Computer Science and Computer Engineering are indistinguishable and how they vary. Difference between computer science and computer engineering

What Is Computer Engineering? 

PC Engineering is the marriage of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. It centers around processing in all structures, from microchips to implanted figuring gadgets to PC and work area frameworks to supercomputers. In that capacity, it concerns the electrical designing contemplations of how microchips work, are planned, and are advanced; how information is conveyed among electronic parts; how incorporated frameworks of electronic segments are planned and how they work to handle guidelines communicated in programming; and how programming is composed, aggregated, and upgraded for explicit equipment stages. In this manner, PC engineers are electrical architects who have some expertise in programming plan, equipment plan, or frameworks plan that incorporates both. 

What is Computer Science? 

Software engineering is the investigation of how information and directions are handled, put away, imparted by processing gadgets. An advanced relative of Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science manages calculations for handling information, the emblematic portrayal of information and directions, the plan of guidance dialects for preparing information, methods for composing programming that cycle information on an assortment of processing stages, conventions for imparting information dependably and safely across networks, the association of information in information bases of different sorts and scales, the imitating of human insight and learning through PC calculations, factual displaying of information in enormous data sets to help deduction of patterns, and procedures for ensuring the substance and credibility of information. In this way, PC researchers are researchers and mathematicians who create approaches to measure, decipher, store, convey, and secure information. 

Cover Between the Areas 

Since both Computer Engineers and Computer Scientists at last work with information and endeavor eventually to tackle importance from it, there is critical cover in coursework that understudies in the two fields take, just as in the professions they seek after. This doesn't limit the unmistakable idea of the two orders. It basically recognizes the way that these sorts of PC experts discover setting and reason in comparative sorts of tasks or in various parts of similar sorts of ventures. 

A Potentially Oversimplifying yet Useful Distinction 

Both Computer Engineers and Computer Scientists advance registering innovation and take care of issues utilizing processing innovation. In the event that we think about figuring innovation as far as scale, Computer Engineers work frequently at the minute and plainly visible closures of the range, while Computer Scientists work in the center pieces of the range. All the more explicitly, Computer Engineers manage the material science of semiconductor gadgets so they may plan equipment from the incorporated circuit level (little), just as with the coordination of equipment and programming advanced to run on it to acknowledge total, particular reason figuring frameworks (huge). PC Scientists compose the product, plan the information bases, devise the calculations, design the correspondences, and secure the information that are handled by the equipment to make the incorporated framework work.

Monday, October 12, 2020

What is a surge protector? Home electrical devices

A surge protector is an electrical device commonly used to protect computers and related computer components from power surges. To fully understand what a surge protector does, you must first understand what a surge is. Typical electrical wiring used in homes (in the United States) and offices has a standard voltage of 120 volts. If a power surge or surge occurs, causing the voltage to exceed the specified voltage, it can damage the computer equipment. Electrical surges can come from a number of sources, namely lightning and major surges that occur when motors and compressors are turned on for refrigerators and air conditioners, to name a few. Electrical goods store "Dialin"offers a large selection of useful electrical devices for the home, such as surge protectors, voltage stabilizers and other equipment jobs for computer engineer.

A peak is a short-term increase in stress intensity, and a spike is an increase that lasts a little longer than a surge. In any case, the voltage rise usually lasts less than a second. Surge protection devices can prevent many of the problems caused by surges and surges. The surge protector, often installed in a tape or box, contains multiple outlets for connecting equipment. Then the surge protector itself is connected to a standard outlet. While this serves the main purpose of providing homeowners and business owners with additional capacities to use, the greater impact of surge protectors is measured in terms of the protection they offer in the event of a surge.

Although surge protectors come in many shapes, sizes, and price ranges, the typical model directs the overvoltage present during a surge to a ground conductor located inside the surge protector, thus allowing normal 120 volts to be supplied to the connected Components. defender. Some models also have a fuse in the line filter. These models work just like a fuse or circuit breaker in a standard electrical panel in a home or office. When a surge occurs, the protector will direct the increased voltage to the ground wire, but if the voltage is too high, the fuse will blow, and, for example, the power to the computer components will be interrupted. Although the computer has lost power, it at least

Other common names for surge protection devices are surge arresters and strips. These protectors can cost anywhere from $ 5 to $ 150. Rest assured that the cheaper model may offer additional outlets for use, but it will provide a little protection for your components. Find the best strip for your use by talking to a salesperson at your local store.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Guide to IT specialties KPI

We present you with a small guide, the purpose of which is to help IT applicants to decide on a specific direction of training. It is unrealistic to embrace the immensity, so we limited ourselves to the specialized IT faculties of NTUU "KPI", but in general the essence of the directions is similar for other technical universities computer system engineering salary.

IT specialists are trained in 7 basic bachelors:

Computer science,

Systems Engineering,

Software Engineering,

Computer engineering,

Applied math,

Security of information and communication systems,

System analysis.

Let's consider the features of each of the above-mentioned areas of training at 4 faculties / institutes of the KPI: FIWT, FPM, FTI, IASA.

Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering (FIVT)

The faculty prepares specialists in the field of programming and information technology at a fundamental level.

The FIVT has 4 areas of training:

"Computer science"

Graduates will learn:

conduct a systematic analysis of subject areas,

create mathematical models of objects and automation processes,

design and develop application software and databases,

apply tools for the development of software systems, web technologies, technologies of distributed systems and parallel computing,

develop artificial intelligence systems.

"Computer engineering"

Graduates will learn to develop:

hardware and software for IT, computer systems and networks,

their system software and databases,

technical means of information protection,

decision making systems,

diagnostic and testing systems,

distributed and cluster computer systems,

local, global and corporate computer networks.

The main difference between "computer engineering" and "computer science" is that "engineering" deals with internal, in relation to the computer, problems (ie, how computers and computer systems work and work). "Science" deals with the problems of using computers to create IT and / or solve problems in certain subject areas.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Computer science and engineering

Computing as a profession

Computer scientists and engineers apply theories and principles of mathematics and the natural sciences to design computers, software, networks, and processes. These professionals work in many places in research, industry, government, business and education to create modern information technology, computer systems, and computer applications. The field of computer science and technology is constantly moving forward, providing intellectual challenges and developing new knowledge on an almost daily basis.

Graduates of our Computer Science and Engineering program can choose to focus their careers in a wide variety of forms: entrepreneur, web applications, computer graphics, video games, corporate computing, embedded systems, network administration, mobile applications, computer security, computer vision , computational biology, high performance (super) computing, scientific modeling, database management systems, computer animation, wireless networks, artificial intelligence, and so on.

Career Prospects

The demand for specialists in computer science fields is widespread; job opportunities for computer scientists and engineers exist in virtually all industries. As computer applications continue to expand, pursuits in computer science and engineering are projected to be one of the fastest growing in the United States through 2016. An overview of job opportunities in computer science and technology is available from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The most common job titles our students move in are:

Engineer - programmer / software developer companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Boeing, Vanguard, Blue Cross , etc. A software engineer develops and manufactures software: picture apps, websites (like facebook, Amazon), desktop apps (like Excel), firmware (that runs in your car), business systems (like banks) , robotic programs (which control the production of robots), medical software (which manages electronic medical records in hospitals), etc.

Systems analyst, in various consulting companies or large enterprises. The system analyst examines the business' information technology needs, and then design and implement a technical solution, such as automating the approval process for an insurance company, changing a brick and mortar company into an e-commerce company, etc.

A system administrator, at any company that uses computers in their business. System Administrators are CyberSecurity experts. They ensure that the computer network is operational and protected from all attacks.

Engineer of computer technology, companies such as Intel, Motorola, AMD, NVidia, etc. A computer engineer designs and builds computers, computer peripherals, computer sensors, and other computer hardware systems, and writes low-level software that controls these devices.

Computer Science and Engineering covers many topics. Some of the topics you will learn about include: how much does a computer engineer make

web application development

mobile application development

computer graphics and animation

Development of video games

programming languages

robot programming

Artificial Intelligence

big data analysis

human-computer interaction

network / system administration

database management systems


Information Security

computational biology

high performance (super) computing

scientific modeling

computer network

business information systems management