The loss of important and confidential data for any company often becomes irreparable. It entails many problems, including material losses, loss of time and effort. And often these consequences are completely dramatic - the business can simply collapse.
In order to avoid such troubles, you should take care of data security in advance. One of the safest ways to do this is to regularly back up your files and documents, and store them in a secure location. A good helper in this will be the TuchaBackup backup hosting service . We will tell you how you can save your business from destruction by hosting backups in the clouds.
What leads to data loss
There are a thousand and one ways to lose data, here are just the most common reasons that can lead to this.
One of the most common reasons is virus infection of the system. Often, even special antivirus programs do not help completely protect data from the effects of malicious software, because users forget to update them in a timely manner or ignore the warnings that appear. In addition, factors such as installing unknown programs, clicking on unverified links, visiting questionable websites, etc. increase the risks. Once in the device, viruses simply destroy the files that are stored on it.
Failures at the software level.
Failures in the operating system or application software is another factor that can lead to data loss at the most unexpected moment. Protecting files from damage or completely recovering them after failures is not an easy task.
Deleting files.
Deleting individual files or destroying all data at once is a phenomenon that also happens quite often. This can happen either on purpose as a result of unfriendly actions, or by accident: accidental deletion, overwriting of some files or formatting of the entire information carrier.
Damage to hard drives.
In addition, since data is mainly stored on hard drives, this does not guarantee complete information security, since from time to time the drives malfunction. Malfunctions occur both at the physical level and in the work of special programs that are responsible for processing tasks on the hard disk.
Equipment failure or loss.
Finally, the device on which important files are stored - a laptop, PC, server, may simply fail or be lost. Incidentally, this is one of the most common problems. Often, unauthorized persons have access to the equipment and such force majeure as the ingress of liquid into the device, its overheating, destruction in a fire, theft, etc., are not at all uncommon.
What to do if data is lost
Unfortunately, there are not so many options for what to do when this has already happened: try to restore data with your own hands, looking for the files you need in mail, sent messages or on other media, or involve third-party specialists who, using special programs, will help restore at least some of the files. And, indeed, as a rule, only a part, since the end result depends on exactly where the files were stored on the hard disk, whether any other information was recorded along with them, and on many other factors.
Of course, the use of special programs by competent specialists provides more chances for information recovery than doing this work on their own, but it requires a significant investment of time and money. And most importantly, it does not guarantee the result 100% and the return of absolutely all files that have suffered.
How to prevent data loss
The best way to prevent the loss of information is to create backups in a timely and regular manner and store them in a safe place: not just on another device, separate from the main information, but in a special storage protected from force majeure and accessible 24x7 from any gadget. The best solution for this is storing your backups in the clouds.
Benefits of cloud backup hosting: Technical support specialist job description
Reliable and secure storage of backups. This will help to fully recover data in case of loss on a physical device (PC or server).
24/7 access to all posted data. And most importantly - from any device and anywhere in the world.
Ability to store large file backups and easily expand the space according to your needs.
All these features are available thanks to the TuchaBackup service.
Why TuchaBackup
The service allows you to store backup copies of files on secure remote servers located mainly in Germany. This helps to protect data from unauthorized access, force majeure and loss of backups along with the original data.
Thanks to TuchaBackup, the following data can be backed up in the clouds:
Databases of accounting systems, CRM and ERP systems, 1C, etc.
Files of any format (video, audio, presentation, etc.).
The service availability guarantee is 99.9%. It is important that TuchaBackup has no restrictions on the amount of traffic, and the service allows you to use secure access protocols FTP (by default), SFTP, SCP, RSYNCoSSH.
By the way, backups should not be confused with system snapshots ( snapshots ). Backups help restore individual files in case of any critical changes, while snapshots are useful for restoring the entire system to the form it had at the time of taking the snapshot. Therefore, the most efficient and reliable option is to use these tools together.
Keeping backup copies of files and documents in a safe place is an important factor in the information security of a company. It is thanks to backups that you can save your business from the fatal consequences of data loss, deletion, loss of media, device breakdown, server failure, etc. TuchaBackup service will help you to place backups of all important data in a safe place.
If you also want to protect your business, save time and money, contact us for reliable backup hosting in the clouds. We will advise and help you choose the right solution for your task!